Blog Archive

Monday, July 4, 2011

Geez, here I am with my hickup again! I sound like a sqeeky-toy!
But I'll try and update you between the hickups.

Today is the 4th of July!! Happy birthday America! I know that my friends and family over there are having a blast right now. There is probobly fireworks, BBQ's and plenty of celebration partys! I hope that you all are having a great day! And I do hope the weather is better then it is here! Here its just cloudy.
Anyways, my thoughts g out to you all and hopefully yopu will all continue making good choices in your lives so you can enjoy them to the fullest! Take care you guys!

So this weekend has been full of joy for me aswell. This thursday our town had a festival. And since I was working Friday, no fun and play on Thursday. But then Came Friday!! Me and J met up with some of his friends and headed down to the festival area, but ended up at the local pub and forgetting what time it was! Oops.... Then wondered around abit (for like 2 hours) around the festival area and just having fun. At 2am.
Oh, I just have to tell you, I thought it was so funny... They, all men ofc, started talking about some girl and how fine her legs were and stuff. That one could write songs and poems about them. i didn't really pay much attention at that time, until one of the guys said that it felt inapropreate to talk about Sofie's (mine) legs. Haha, so there I'd been standing missing them talking about my (apperently) sexy legs. ooouuu ;) haha jk :P
Saturday, J woke me up, asking me if I wanted to go to the store with him. Sure! So we were talking and making plans for the evening to see some artists at the Festival. BUT, I totally forgot that I had booked myself in to another party (Desperate Housewifes Party - all girls). That felt abit bad. But i did have fun with J, one more night at the pub - performers at the festival and tacos.
Life ust seems sweet at those times!
Sunday came and I went home to mom and dad. Just chilled and cuddles with Maja (the dog, not the finnish friend). Fastfood and movies... Yeah, I think thats how a sunday should be spent.
Monday. I have the day off. God I love it! Me and mom went to the city to shop, Mostly it was her shopping amd me saying Yes or No to her. But I did end up with a pair of high waist pants and some Good to have at home stuff... and ofc window-shopping. I wish I had a house to decorate!!! Its making my fingers itch, lol. Sometimes me and mom just have good days, and I just wanna tell her that I love her at those times. Why cant it be like this all the time? But I love you!

Next Sunday my brothers turn 20 (can't wait) and I have no idea what to get them. Anyone? Anything? Ideas please!!!

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