When it comes to work. I am strating to feel abit numb. I know that it shouldn't feel like that. But it sort'a does. I have been asked to come in to a intervju during this last week, but only at those times I cant. That sucks. We are still trying to figure something out. It would just be so great if it*d all work out. Soon!
Nothing much has really happend this last week. I have had my ups and downs in my mood. But i just think that some days it just comes to the fact that your brain has way to much to think about - and you feel gloomy. I know you all have had those days. When you just dont wannat do anything but watching a movie and feel bad for yourself. Fortunatlly for me that day I had work so I had to suck it up and go there with a smile on my face. And I heard that if you smile (even though they are fake smiles) you will get happier from it. Maybe... Yeah I did feel happier - although I love having my chats with this client so...
And a big congrats to my brothers 20th birthday last sunday!! Love you both!
Me and R have been keeping in touch a bit. But Now he is leaving the coutry again. Hopefully we'll still talk. I don't think people understand that in some way we do connect. We are very different people, but at the same time not. So it would be very sad to loose something like that. Hopefully I can come visit him :)
And yeah, dont kill me now... But I'll be meeting V tomorrow. Lets see if he shows this time. I know I know I know. Could be the worst idea of all times and it could be... not the worst idea of all times. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Tomorrow.
BUT! It was PowerMeet this weekend! So I just had to be there! Me and J and some people had a pretty full and crazy weekend. And I just LOVED it! For those who dont know what Pwer Meet is - its a gathering of old american cars in Västerås, Sweden, every year. The town becomes a huge party and there are these beautiful cars everywhere! If you havent been... think about going. I go almost every year. Feels like you meet everyone you know there. People you havent seen for years! Enjoy!
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