Blog Archive

Saturday, March 19, 2011


lol, I just saw the comment on my post about my training gear and stuff... I am not sure who wrote it, but since they didnt understand the part from the workout gear to the tredmill, here is the short sentence in Swedish; jag fick upp mina träningssaker idag, men önskar att jag hade ett springband, ett sånt man kan vika ihop så jag får plats med det.
Yeah, thats sort of it.

So whats been up? I truelly have to ask myself that question. Well, work. There is that. And I have resigned myself from the hell whole called... Oh yeah. i told you that. Eh, screw it. I dont know. What I do know is that today has been a productive day (well weekend actually). Me and Jocke took a trip to VAFAB (the dump pretty much) and then drove around getting him some stuff. So now I have more space in my appartment and less crap to look at. Yay! I have also managed to clean up, get stuff in more of an order, cook food for like a year, and wash up. I feel poud of myself. Though I did miss the good weather. But Its all okay. And I got an order done. You know my friend Maya from FIN, she is, according to me, an amazing artist so she's gonna make a painting for me. I love art. And her's is... Wow. New, deep and grasping. I whant more, but I mean, in a small appartment it will be hard to place them. And ofc I whant them to look their best and that means, no craming. (I think that its spelled like that, well I mean is not to have alot of paintings close and all over cause they just loose their charm) simple = beautiful.

Yeah, this is the real life. Hard work all the damn time. But I think I really should start taking care of myself more, I should start taking massages ad accupuncture. I know my body NEEDS it.
Anyways, Im on my phone (which as you see started working with small letters... Wierd. Just like that) anyways, bye for now!

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