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Monday, March 14, 2011

off my chest

OMG, could I be more annoyed this sunny day? Probobly, but still..! My back hurts, my stomach hurts, my feet hurts. growl. Drivers Ed, couldn't seem to figure out the whole thing with the weights. And at this point, it feels like I never will. I know I have dyscalculia, but still! How damn hard can it be? Like my dad said, their are so many people with worse disabilities then me, that got theirs, and yet it feels like I am the only one in the world having these problems, since no one seems to understand just how hard and confusing this is. I wish I could just memorise this, just like that! (snapping my fingers)
Its just so frustrating.
And further more, I had to deal with the damn Employment Service (google translate). I think that by now most of you know how I feel about these people. But for the rest of you... lets just say... "oh, not much". Not good at least. It has been proven that they are bad at helping people getting new jobs and still they dont seem to understand that. Its like their "King of the world" and can treat people just anyway they like. I... hate... them. Well, atleast this is the people that I have been dealing with. But from people I know, that go to the same agancy/town they say the same. Rude people, not willing to help but more willing to push us down even more. Its like no matter what we do, if we get jobs or not, they will never be satisfied. But maybe they can do this because they are employed by the government. Who knows. Cops don't treat us very nicely eather. Wont listen to our statements, wont come when we need them (or medical help), tell us that we're lying, yell and hit us.And live by different rules. Employed by the Govenment. And then tell us that this is not the problem that people dont trust the police. HMMMMMM...?? Really?!
Okey, now I fell off the track .
I dont really know where I was going with all of this eather. Oh yeah! I signed out of the Employment agency. And there was something about getting sick...? but what the hell. I bearly get sick, knock on wood, and things do work out in the end. I hope. But I have to do what feels good for me and that was what made me feel like a ton has been lifted of my chulders. And you know what?! The guy I talked to was actually nice! Good for him. But I made sure he knew that the way I was beeing treated was part of me leaving. And he agreed that that was incorrect behaviour from them . YEAH! Damn right! So maybe this day will end up good. The clouds that were here this morning went away. So maybe my problems will too. Stay positive, right?

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