Blog Archive

Thursday, November 24, 2011

How is everybody?
Me - sooo tired (the kind of tried when you could just start laughing for no good reason). Yesterday Was the gratuation party for the academic students that will finish the course in December. And afterward evrybody headed to a nightclub by the seafront. I think in most parts it was a good night! But oh, somebody put their hand under my dress, yes, in the exremely sexualy herrasment way. When I turned around to see (or quite honestly hit the dude) see who it was I couldn't find out who it might be.

Anyways... if you been following you know that my lovelife is (at least to me) complicated. But I have, at the age of 22 (embarrasing), figured out that; if you can leave the country for one week and then 'forget' about this person - you were never in love. And absolutely when another person can make for 'forget' about someone that fast, then you'll know.

But now I've found a new one that is in just enough complicated situation for me to be interested. Another country, language, culture, time left at this school... I feel naive and foolish. Silly really.

gotta focus on class now



mamma said...

jag fattar ingenting är du kär i nån?

Dungjai said...

Well mom, in love is a bit harsh, but am I interested - hell yeah.
Am I sad he's leaving? Yeah....