Blog Archive

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Heading for Scottland

Today is the 17th, that means that me and my school (well some of us) are heading for a weekend trip in Edinburgh! I've heard that it is beautiful so I'm excited! I won't be bringing mu computer but I will update you when I get back home, with pictures and all that!

And I just saw a comment here on the blog, from my old teacher at my poledancing class. Here are some answers to you Jordan :)
I am studying at EF in Brighton (I don't know if I recomned it to others though. Its expensive and stuff... People should look more carefully before they choose - not like me). But I will only stay here until march so I guess I will survive ;) The banking is going okay now, I have Lloyd's and they are helping me when I need it. Still, waiting for money to come from Sweden still sucks! The family... well.. yeah we have new problems in the new family... nothing seems easy. But I can tell you more. I will be back for 3 weeks during christmas, a coffee maybe? :)

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