Blog Archive

Friday, October 7, 2011

So I am getting in to my rutines and getting life moving. Feels nice. But it does feel like I have been here a year already. Wierd huh. I've only been here like.. two - three weeks.

Today, friday (and what it seems like every friday) I only have one class. So I got my Student ID card set up and me and my room mates got train tickets tomorrow for London. So there will be pics of that.

Oh, the other day I went for drinks with a bartender I met. He showed me a Scandinavian bar - thanks! Food and drinks from Scandinavia. Now I just have to figure out where the hell it was located ;)
But yeah, I had fun. Seemed like a nice and fun guy.
There was one thing that I was disapointed with though. The Salmiakki shots. They did not taste like salmiakki. Only like liquorice. Not that I am a fan of Salmiakki, but still.

Do you wanna know something bad?
The winter weather is coming. My body is handeling it well, but my room mates are freezing their butts off. But even I are starting to freeze.
So on my London shopping list:
Jacket (?)
Winter boots(?)

To Cecilia back home... I sooooo should have bought that jacket! It was perfect!

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