So I had been thinking about going to my parents house today. Cause in my head I only seem to remember the good stuff about being there. Then my mom called. In my oppinion she had an attiture towards me (not according to her or dad. Bull! I heard it!) So I said screw that, if I come now it will end up in WAR and chaose. Not having it! So I am gonna go to J instead and cheer up. With a cider or vodka or something.
Why can't things be like in my head? All fun and games.
Lousy week. Hope this weekend will turn out better.
Oh, did I forget to tell you that I burned my hair yesterday. I just saw this huge flame. MAN I'M GOOD! But its okay, not hurt so. Just annoyed that I'm so clumbsy and hope's it dosent show too much.
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