Blog Archive

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Me and Peter Siepen

So what has happenedsince last time? I've been poledancing and working. But it appears that my body is not a fan of working out in this level right away. My wrists are soar and it feels like they are swollen inside. But its nothing I can do much about, just train themas I go along and hope for the best. I guess. But its still as fun. Last time that girl I told you about before from class, met up a cuple of hours before practice, bought some new workout clothes and had coffee. It seems like we get along very well. It will be a plesure to see where this goes. I mean, we are women after all...

Hockey VM has started and Sweden won over Denmark the other day with 3-0. Not bad, but then again... It was Denmark. Just wait til' we'll meet Canada in the finals. And OFC the game against Finland! That's just all about honor. Been waiting for that all year! But they will never come as far asSweden (mohahahaha).

Oh, Valborg was cellebrated with on the country side( why I was there who knows) with drinks, BBQ, drunk people and Peter Siepen. Yum. The man just stoped in his tracks looking at me and giving me a compliment about my hair. Awsome :) That was a pretty sweet confident boost. Even though people tried to beat me down that night withugly words. It seems that "guys dont like me" and shit. One question though... Who said I wanted any of those men? I aim for more.

And a new boss at work. Cool lady. Listens to what we have to say and acctually makes something out of it. Hopefully she stays like this and sticks around. So one client that I have had and havent felt like this is the right for me, is now being placed to someone elser. Great, one less thing to worry about. Maybe I'll stop looking for new jobs and stick around? I have lately been looking in to edu's. And I started to fill in some papers aswell. These are more like courses, but I feel like I have to try before I jump in to years of student dept. I dont even feel like living here for that long, you know. I just feel like I have to live out what I want and what I feel might be my destiny. School isn't it. lol.
And I got my drivers license. Thank you.

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