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Friday, April 1, 2011

Gah, this has to end! Get out of the sandbox and be adults!

With the risk of pissing people off...
I cant help getting pissed and saying I told you so to that damn church in Florida. Thanks to your stupid ideas of burning their holy book they attacked UN, PEOPLE ARE DEAD, DEAD! Take responsibility for your actions. You should have listened to Persident Obama. He is a wise man.
I can not see why people are this respectless for a nother culture. Its the same God, for crying out loud(pretty much)! Yes god said that the people should only belive in him and all that stuff, but seriously, he never said anything about doing stuff like that. In that case someone needs to show me were in the bible.
Yes, I think they are overreacting, but they have always been like this so why push their buttons? I am guessing that your little congregation would be just as angry if they'd do this to the holy bible. Gah! this is why I am not a beliver in anything but common sence. Religion is the root to evil, war and chaos. Remember that.
Man up, apologize and just cut it off, ALL OF YOU. Be adults for once.

I am a firm beliver in the fact that Obama is the best thing that happend to America, he will slowly take them and the rest of the world in to a better place. Its a shame that people have to keep fighting him. Not everything is good, but DUH noone's perfect and your not making it easy.

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