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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

omg, what a day. Divers ed this morning turned out a success.. Sort of. Got 2 phases done. finally. That was this morning. After that things just went bad. I went to the doctor, you know that part. But I got a new time tomorrow again. Lets see if they can figure out what it is this time, or if they will even care. I really have to find a new doctor. From bad to more bad, that appointment turned ou that I had to change my work schedule, from three clients to none. And I really wanted to work with Maria. i have so much fun with her, it makes me forget how bad im feeling. From bad bad to worse. Ended up in this huge fight with my mom, about grocery shopping. Rediculous I know! But we just keep interrupt eachother so we keep raising our voices and it just gets worse and worse. i just cant help feeling that she, on purpose, that she goes there with out me. She knows I need a ride there, and still she manages to always guet out of it. Maybe she dosent think of it and she just does it. But its everything that she and I are supposed to do together. And i dont even think she notices that. I just get so disapointed. Is it really that hard to spend time with your daughter?
But like Dr. Phil says; It dosent matter how flat you make a pancake, it still has two sides.
But this is mine. (Rememver that)

am I the only one feeling like this? Or if this normal in families across the world? Let me know.

Reservations for all the missspelling!!

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