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Sunday, March 27, 2011

brief weekend

wow, what a weekend. I think I got a lot covered and had plenty of time to unwind aswell. At work, Friday, I brought my step-counter, after a day of working it showed 11566 steps(think how many I must go through in a week), and that is not counting the steps to work. Good job Sofie. I have to say that doing that made the work alot more fun. Just putting it out there for the rest of you to do the same. And its not expensive eather. Cheap workout with a counter for under 100 SEK. Keep it in mind people.
Friday night I was supposed to have gone out with Alexandra and Johanna, but I was too tired and fell asleep instead. Yawn! I am so sorry girls, but I promise that I'll invite you girls over soon for (pre-)drinks. I promise.

Then yesterday, Saturday, my cusin/neighbor asked me over, so I came had a drink and some conversations with him and his friends. I have to say, when I get to involved with fasion magazines, drama and all that shit, it feels good to meet people like that for a while and comedown to earth again. But again I was so tired that I made sure to get to bed at like 10pm. Lame, huh. But I was tired so...
And I got grocery-shopping done. Goodie.

And then there is today. Mom and dad are coming over for coffee and chailatte, after that we're going to grandma's to say hi. Then I will crash on their couch again. Who knows what that brings. Could be drama and it could be.. exactly nothing.

Anyways catch you later.

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