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Sunday, February 27, 2011

So I started reading this book today. It's written by a huge swedish blogger who created this book for young girls, to "boost the ego" (like the title says). And I have to say, I get pretty hooked by this book. I do feel like it has all been said before though, but at the same time. I think that we all need that reminder. And since she gives out alot about her issues and dislikes, it makes it easier to read. Before I though she was a smart girl and beautiful, but it's been hard for me to relate to her. It's like we've just been part of two worlds, sort of say. But now she's a part of reality. I think. At least I think she might be, in my head, when I've finnished the book. In my oppinion this is something every girl should read and know. From her or where ever they might hear it. And I truely hope that this book will make a huge change in the way that people see themselvs these days.
But, in the book (yet so far) she says that its only we who judge ourselves. I wish I can agree with that. Atleast where I come from it'v very common for people to jugde and find faults with the people around them and people they see. Ofcourse that is a shame. And hopefully that will end one day. But I am not sure that that will end when people stop seeing faults in themselves. I'm not sure, and I hope that may be the answer, but... I'm not sure.
Hopefully this book will come out in more languages so more people can read it.
But like I said. Its been heard and read before, but sooooo good for us to be reminded once again.

Other then that, I've been taking the dog for a morning walk (not much sun unfortunatlly), made one hell of a dinner (recepie will probobly get uploaded) and two loads of laundy. Next week (dont know what day) I will be moving ^^ Yaaay!!

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